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ABR Ecology Ltd is an independent, friendly consultancy based in Verwood, Dorset. Our ecologists hold years of experience, and have addressed a range of ecological matters for a variety of clients. In particular, ABR holds extensive experience in dealing with bats and development, from undertaking initial field work including Preliminary Roost Appraisals (PRAs) and emergence and re-entry surveys, right through to protected species licensing and conducting ecological clerk of works.


If your plans include works affecting buildings, structures, trees or areas of vegetation, you are likely to require a bat survey. An initial assessment will be made and further survey work and a bat licence may be required before works can proceed.

Grey long-eared bat (Plecotus austriacus


If your plans include works affecting buildings, structures, trees or areas of vegetation, you are likely to require a bat survey. An initial assessment will be made and further survey work and a bat licence may be required before works can proceed.


Reptiles occur in a wide variety of habitats including heathland, woodland, scrub, gardens and grassland. Reptile surveys may be required as part of your project, and a licence may be needed if smooth snakes and/or sand lizards are found on your site.

Badger setts often occur within or adjacent to development sites. A survey will determine if badgers are on site and if a badger sett cannot be avoided as part of the project, a badger sett closure may be required under a licence. 



Dormice are found within hedgerows, scrub and woodland. If you plans include potential impacts upon areas of vegetation, dormouse surveys may be required by your local planning authority. A licence may also be needed.



Great crested newts can be found in a variety of waterbodies and on land, depending on the time of year. If suitable habitat is identified, surveys may be required and a licence needed if works impact upon these areas.

Barn owls

Barn owls nest in structures such as barns, churches, agricultural buildings and tree cavities and hunt in rural areas. Barn owls and their nests are protected by law and a barn owl survey may be required for a planning application. 

Ecological Appraisals 

A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) is a good starting point and will identify any ecological constraints associated with your development. This is a general walkover survey that may indicate the need for further detailed survey work.

Clerk of works

An ecological clerk of works is normally required as a condition of a protected species licence. This involves a licensed ecologist supervising and advising contractors during construction and demolition works or vegetation clearance.  

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