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Badgers occupy a variety of habitats throughout England, ranging from pastures, woodlands and farmland through to archeological sites, hedgerows and quarries. They are also known to occupy more urban locations, including back gardens and parks. Badgers are often encountered during development, and their presence is usually detected during a preliminary ecological appraisal.

Badger surveys may be conducted throughout the year, although badger activity drops during the winter months. The survey will establish the type and number of badger setts, foraging areas and latrines. Further survey work may then be required to identify whether the badger sett(s) are active. This is undertaken by placing sticks with tape in the entrance holes to trap the hairs of any mammals using the sett. Wildlife cameras may also be installed around the sett entrances to record any potential badger activity within the site.



If a badger sett cannot be retained as part of the development and there is no satisfactory alternative scheme, a badger sett closure licence may be required prior to works commencing. A licence application and detailed mitigation strategy must then be made to Natural England, and the licences are only granted for the period between the 1st July to the 30th November to avoid the badger breeding season.


We can provide comprehensive reports to support planning applications, create detailed mitigation schemes as well as prepare badger licence applications. 

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