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Our small, friendly team includes core members of staff supported by seasonal field ecologists throughout our busy summer season. Our permanent members of staff hold years of experience in the field and have successfully managed a variety of projects, from small-scale applications right through to major development projects. We have a particular expertise with bats and development, from the initial roost inspection right through to bat European Protected Species (EPS) licensing. 

Becci Smith MCIEEM
Principal ecologist (founder)
Russell Hoyle ACIEEM
Senior ecologist (founder)

Becci has been working in the ecology industry for many years, and in particular has specialist experience in working with bats. She is one of the only ecologists in the UK to hold the Bat Earned Recognition licence and all Annexes of this licence, she also holds the Bat Mitigation Class Licence (BMCL). She has successfully managed large-scale projects, including the Aldershot Urban Extension in Hampshire where she had conducted field work, delivered advice and developed a myriad of bat mitigation strategies over the course of five years. She currently holds 100s bat mitigation licences and holds Natural England Class licences for bats, dormice, great crested newts, sand lizards and smooth snakes and barn owls. She notably manages high conservation status bat roosts including maternity and hibernation roosts for horseshoe and grey long-eared bats along with other notable roosts such as serotine maternity, barbastelle day roosts and most roosts types for 13 of the 17 native species. Becci is MoRpH river condition assessment certified and undertakes many of the Preliminary Ecological Assessments (PEAs) including condition assessments under the DEFRA Metric and enjoys a day spent in a field surrounded by flowers.

Russell has years of experience in producing EPS bat licences and holds particular experience in conducting supervisory works for bats. He has therefore experienced a range of potential issues associated with bats and development, and has successfully devised solutions to see projects through to completion.  He has developed competencies in conducting a range of protected species surveys, and holds a NPTC Level 2 Certificate of Competence in Brushcutting Operations. Russell currently holds Natural England Class licences for bats, great crested newts & a barn owl licensed surveyor.

Phil Smith ACIEEM
Senior ecologist
Amy Parsons ACIEEM Senior Ecologist (founder)

Phil has years of experience in the ecology sector, he has been particularly involved with bats-related projects for homeowner applications and small residential developments. Phil has a particular interest in botany and in his spare time he has been a part of the Bat Conservation Trust as a Volunteer Bat Roost Visitor (VBRV), as well as looking after bats in care. He has held bat mitigation licences and holds Natural England class licences for bats, great crested newts, smooth snakes and sand lizards, white-clawed crayfish and barn owls. Phil undertakes many of the Preliminary Roost Appraisal (PRAs) and PEAs and enjoys teaching the other members of the team botany and protected species identification skills. Phil is MoRpH river condition assessment certified and undertakes many of the Preliminary Ecological Assessments (PEAs) including condition assessments under the DEFRA Metric and enjoys a day spent in a field surrounded by flowers.

Amy has years of experience in the ecology field, conducting protected species surveys including bats, great crested newts, dormice, badgers and reptiles. She has supervised ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) for reptiles, bats, great crested newts, nesting birds, badgers, water voles, otters and dormice. Amy has particular experience in bat ecology and mitigating for bats as part of the planning process. She has successfully managed project works for major residential and mixed-use applications. She currently holds Natural England Class licences for bats, dormice and great crested newts. Amy now works on a part time basis undertaking report reviewing processes. 

Sophie Morris

Sophie has been working in the ecology industry since 2017. She has experience in assisting and leading protected species surveys including bats, great crested newts, nesting birds and reptiles. Sophie has a particular interest in botany and has a NE class 1 bat licence, great crested newt and barn owl licence and undertakes many of the ecological surveys including PEAs.

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Laurence Wills
Bat ecologist

Laurence graduated from Sparsholt University with a BSc in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation in 2021. He has experience in assisting with a range of ecological surveys including Preliminary Roost Appraisals, Preliminary Ecological Appraisals, reptiles, hazel dormice, small mammal, and bat activity surveys. Laurence has a NE Class 2 bat licence and is currently working towards his personal sand lizard and smooth snake survey licence.

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James Gooding
Assistant ecologist

James graduated from The University of Exeter in 2019 with a BSc in Environmental science. He has experience in assisting with a range of surveys for protected species including bats, great crested newts, hazel dormice, and reptiles. James has a particular interest in amphibians and is currently working towards his Class 1 great crested newt licence and Class 2 bat licence.

Georgia Linter
Assistant ecologist

Georgia graduated from Plymouth university in 2020 with a BSc in Geography and ocean science, she has experience in assisting with a range of ecological surveys including PRA, PEAs and bat activity surveys and protected species such as hazel dormice and great crested newts. Georgia has a particular interest in bats and dormice and is working towards her NE level one bat personal licence, great crested newt and dormouse licences.

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Field/seasonal ecologists roles

We are always seeking seasonal/field ecologists to support us during our busy field season. We are seeking enthusiastic and hard working individuals to join our well-established and growing team to assist in field work for a wide range of projects, mainly involving bat surveys, although there may be opportunities to undertake works involving reptiles and other protected species. If you think this might be of interest to you, then please send us your CV and a cover letter/email detailing your experience and qualifications to Hours to be variable including both night time/early morning and weekend work. Full UK driving licence is preferred and eligibility to work in the UK essential. 

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